(Udan van de Erjolihof - Alfaré Sheridano Le Fano)
HD-A, vWD - clear(DNA), PHTVL/PHPV - clear, Cardio 24H holter - clear 10/2012
A female with a mild temper and a high drive. She is great to work with. Works always concentrated and with full focus on the handler and will do everything to please. Have a high prey instinct that can run into light stress in protection work. Works well and concentrated on track. Deep search, with stamina and independence, regardless of weather conditions and surfaces. Very easily trained in obedience and show great joy in work. She have great self confidence and speed in the exercises. In protection work, she must be supported slightly. Have good and hard grip. She have great defense operation and good power handling.
Udan van de Erjolihof
Asco von der Burgstätte
Alfred von der Urftquelle |
Manix von der Weyermühle |
Ohra von der Weyermühle |
Brista von der Doberwache |
Gero von der Mooreiche |
Kleo von der Weyermühle |
Britta aus dem Hause Davidsen |
Baron vom Lechfeld |
Iwo von Treu |
Bina vom Gaxhardter Wald |
Mercedes van de Erjolihof |
Ikarus von der Kollau |
Ilsa van de Erjolihof |
Alfaré Sheridano Le Fano
Ch. Cliff vom Beuchower Hof |
Noran van Les Deux Peupliers |
Emir van Les Deux Peupliers |
Johanna van Les Deux Peupliers |
Andra vom Beuchower Hof |
Ferro von Donarius |
Morena von Weser-Ems |
Fergie Calibra Magic |
Ch. Drink Zkanape |
Gabor v.Castell |
Pusa Zkanape |
Gina Gold Micer |
Gero von der Mooreiche |
Brema Micer |
Fiona´s pictures are here.